Contact Stress-Less

If you have any questions, comments or would like us to contact you about becoming a client of Stress-Less, please fill in the form to the right and submit. We will contact you personally to anwswer any questions, sign you up as a client or just share information.
We appreciate our clients and try to make using
Stress-Less as "stress free" as possible.

Stress-Less Team

How Can Stress-Less Help You?

Just follow the directions created by the images below to find your path to a stress free life.



Your brain is different every day. Muse will take a snapshot of your brain in a natural state. Your Stress-Less Clinician uses this snapshot as a reference to understand your brain signals.



Muse gives you feedback about your meditation in real time by translating your brain signals into sounds. When your mind is calm and settled, you hear a light breeze. When your mind is active the winds blow harder.



Muse tracks your progress over time and you earn points to unlock new features. During online scessions, your Stress-Less Cliniician will go over your brain function through simple, easy to understand graphs and charts.


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